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kronie town mingler

That Rando in every resort/ski town who materializes outside the grocery store/convenience store parking lot who obviously isn’t there to shop and is simply around to provide a necessary means of procuring cannabis for the flockers and gawkers.

Joseph, hangout while I grab some snacks see if you can score some takeout from the Kronie Town Mingler.

by The Duderbeero August 7, 2024

Funky town

In a word, sex.

Me and Jane went to funky town last night!

by The REAL Shydaddy June 21, 2022

Have you ever been brought to pound town via the rainbow road sans vaseline?

Translation: Have you ever been fucked in the ass without lube?

Leroy: Have you ever been brought to pound town via the rainbow road sans vaseline?
Carl: $20 is $20 and we’re in a recession.

by goldengrey1776 May 31, 2024

Im on the roof of nuke town

(squeaking) Daniel im hacking im on the roof of nuke town!!!

(squeaking) im on the roof of nuke town!

by Im on the roof of nuke town September 14, 2022

Dat Town

A small town in Mississippi, a slang for Tylertown.

I’m from Dat town.

Dat town really living like that.

by Royalrich105 December 27, 2022

Oreo Town

It’s a town... made of Oreo...

Hey! Want to go to Oreo Town tomorrow?

by Perrified December 26, 2020

Pho Town Crew

People from Phoenix that move out of state tend to socialize strictly with other people from Phoenix, forming what is commonly referred to as "The Pho Town Crew." Some deem the Pho Town Crew as an epidemic as they have little personal identity, often wishing they were from a cooler place such as Southern California or Colorado. Members of the Pho Town Crew date exclusively within the crew; the males tend to swap girlfriends with alarming frequency. The Pho Town Crew travels everywhere together, especially at night when going out to bars or house parties. If one member of the Crew is invited to a party, typically 20 or more fellow members of the Pho Town Crew will show as well. While completely harmless, the Pho Town Crew can appear intimidating to from an outside point of view. Secretly, the Pho Town Crew is plagued with internal gossip and slandering due to the lack of fresh faces within the group.

Ah shit, here comes the Pho Town Crew. Who invited them?

by tinydancer69 March 5, 2012