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The best man in the universe

Christopher Bangchan

Christopher Bangchan, quite literally the best man in the universe!!

by Mickey!! March 29, 2023

2👍 1👎

#1 superduperduperestduper * quadrillion buddy in the whole universe


Abby is my #1 superduperduperestduper * quadrillion buddy in the whole universe

by DERPEEDERP November 2, 2022

The University of Fucked

Not an actual school per se, it's:

A. Where you end up when you have zero options and your life is fucked.
B. When life schools you as to what truly fucked feels like.
C. Basically, when you be fucked.

Shana: "Hey, have you seen Devon?"
Paul: "Poor guy, he's at The University."
Shana: winces "The University of Fucked."

by BlkFlg August 10, 2024

Fordham University

Lincoln center: A mid university for those who were rejected from NYU, Columbia, and Barnard but still willing to pay 80k a year. “The CITY is my campus”

Rose hill: Professors don’t even know why people go there

I go to Fordham University Lincoln center
So you also got rejected from NYU?

I go to Fordham University Rose hill

So you’re trying to transfer to Lincoln center?

by Anonymous ram November 20, 2022

The Hottest Scene In The Universe

When a young guy and young woman fuck each other under a blanket having a picnic in the forest with the sun going down.

The Hottest Scene In The Universe just happened to Matthew and Chelsea last night.

by Strawberry Pterodactyls March 17, 2019

Stockton University

A university in South Jersey that's surrounded by the Pine Barrens and a little ol' town called Galloway. There isn't much to do in the general proximity of the campus besides spend extortionate amounts of money on gas, food, and whatever boring old white person crap they have in Atlantic City. The cops on campus are a joke which is great because the trails around the university are great for smoking with friends. Students are mostly commuters who hate their major and are stuck in an infinite loop because the preceptors suck at getting people to graduate on time. All the trashy students go to Pitney Pub on Wednesday night and then complain on YikYak because they have nothing better to do with their lives. The higher ups at Stockton pretend they aren't racist but will literally do nothing about blatant discrimination from professors. At least they have some diverse organizations and departments on campus. In the end, Stockton is exactly what you'd expect from a cozy college in South Jersey.

I went to Stockton University and all I got was this lousy degree.

by rickbone1055 August 3, 2023

Northern Michigan University

Was stalked by their administration they ran me out by trying to say I was a pedophile because I was to stupid to realize my ex girlfriend was raped.

All charges dismissed but still expelled.

Northern Michigan University is the shittiest school you can go to.

by Dixie's finest December 20, 2021