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A woman so beautiful that she looks like a mermaid

I was chillin with some fins by the pool. You should've showed up when I called you.

by Boboliio June 7, 2022


brereton towns prime midfielder and all round spacca

fin clews is a unit

by finclews March 13, 2022


One of the legendary founding members of the whale cult, this potato is a truly snazzy person :)

If you are ever having an identity crisis, they will be there with their tennis racket to help you out and if you ever need someone to sell you a dodgy packet of strawberry laces, they will be there to thwack that Waitrose logo on it
Overall an amazing potato

0000:, es ist ein FishyBoi3000, they must be fin

by FishyBoi3000 July 5, 2022


1. That's cool.
2. That's cool f**k you buddy.
3. Describes something as cool or all set.

No crack? Well that's fin fuck you buddy.

by Ernest Borgnine aka mermaidman October 5, 2019


If you’re a certain fin you’re gorgeous please hit me up rn you are cool but please stop doubting my knowledge in a certain lesson or copying me! I literally wrote no se and that means I don’t know, stop right now. Okay bye gorj 😘

I do Fin everyday

by Dairyleadunkers123 March 20, 2023


5-year jail sentence US Street Slang - 1930's

Possibly derived from Yiddish "finf" meaning five, from Middle High German, from Old High German

'Well Bobby, it seems that you are in a little trouble, huh? I am attorney Williams, an old friend of your family.'

I said, 'It isn't a little trouble. Under the Max, I could get a fin.' (Pimp; The Story Of My Life - by Iceberg Slim - Ch.2 Pg.26)

by Stan Lee "Bookie" Williams September 22, 2021


A guy who has a big dick and likes cheese

M8 my Penises so big, are you called fin the, yes, I also like cheese, well if your called fin then you have a big dick and you likes cheese

by Fin December 10, 2016