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Testing sites

Some governments claim to be concerned about their populations, but still require mandatory testing before holidays, putting people in close proximity to each other (which goes against their own 6 foot apart distance restrictions), and essentially creates what they would call a superspreader event. People not getting tested are also not in a crowd of people, and a crowd of people with masks on doesn't seem much (if any) safer than people at a distance with no masks on, or even people in a crowd with masks on (the figure scientists have given so far is that masks lower transmission by single digit percentage rates).

Testing sites seem like a good oppurtunity to spread a virus like wildfire, rather than to contain the wildfire.

by Solid Mantis February 10, 2021

site surname

The logical accmpaniment to site names

Ah, Tilla’s treasure, how luvly, but I din't quite catch the site surname.

by Hercolena Oliver July 7, 2010

C site

When playing CS:GO players will sometimes reference a "C site" although there is only 2 sites, A and B. It is used as a joke when playing the game.

"I think he's at C site" "Thanks man"

by flounderfounder April 6, 2015

Access on site

The situation in which a female allows her sexual partner to interfere with her lady garden while in a public place.

We were having too much fun at the pub to go home, so she let me have access on site.

by jackofspeed April 6, 2010

Site Visit

A secret meetup of heterosexual men who engage in rigorous sexual behavior with each other. The term was coined during the Richard Nixon era where bi-curious men could experiment with each other.

Tim: Hey guys, site visit today?

Jonathan: Hell yeah!

Ned: Can’t today lads, will be playing euro truck simulator all day.

by JoshuaSam_420 November 20, 2022

Cuck Site

A cuck site is a website or downloadable software that misleadingly claims to be free to use but paywalls you at the last minute (or "cucks" you), leaving you feeling cheated and pissed.

That VPN is such a cuck site, they advertised it as totally free forever, but it paywalls me as soon as I install it

by Nightwatch2007 September 19, 2022

site walker


1. A person or more commonly, apprentice who spends their day shuffling around the job site avoiding direct line of sight thus dodging anyone in authority who may give direction to complete a task.

1.5. A person or more commonly

Apprentice who is very skilled in looking at , touching and or moving small objects around site to camouflage doing absolutely fuck all.

2. A person or more commonly,
apprentice who smoke bombs once the tradesmen's back is turned.

3. A person or more commonly,
Apprentice who is completely uncontactable on site using the shouting method 5 times till you get the fucking shits and go look for them finding said person has timed there steps perfectly to appear from behind the nearest wall with a dumbfounded look caked on their face replying I didn’t hear you.

Hay Keven, where’s Bacon?
Fucked if I know, last time I saw he was shuffling like a site walker with ONE nail in hand, 100m to the skip bin

by I am Dicko September 1, 2022