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Am i special?

Why did you look this up? If you are depressed then talk about it.

Yes you are!!! You can do things that nobody can do!

kArEn: My kid is special!
Litterly the fattest kid on earth: Am i special?
KAreN: no, i tried to drown you, but the manager said milkshakes are for drinking only.

by tobitaart June 9, 2020

Brandon Christopher Special

The non-concensual insertion of two or more fingers in someone's anus while restraining them in an arm restraint hold.

"That nightmare human, Brandon (somethimes Sean) Christopher out of Eastern Washington, got arrested for giving his old lady a surprise double knuckle deep single gancho while holding her in an arm bar."

"Ah, her gave her the 'ol 'Let's Go' Brandon Christopher Special."

by Electric_Taterbaby June 27, 2024

Rolly Special

The act of positioning the first made ball on the last pong cup at the back of the cup to deflect a potential make on the second throw at the final cup.

Well known term in the Dayton and Columbus, Ohio beer pong circuits.

“They lost on a Rolly Special on the rebuttal!”

by April 16, 2021

The Detroit Special

The Detroit Special is when you break someone’s kneecaps, usually in response to a perceived aggression

“Those refs really fucked up that Lion’s game. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone gave them The Detroit Special.”

by Remnant313 October 15, 2019

viking special

After a Viking beat you in a fight, they will proceed to bend you over and give you the Viking dick. He will ride you from the back, leaving you destroyed and exhausted. For the finisher the Viking will choke you out with his long, rope like, penis. After all of that, the Viking will continue to pillage and rape your family.

Oh no, not the Viking special!

by Treesmash123 November 3, 2020

cartoon special

to perform an attack in an over-exaggerated, comical, and rather silly fashion reminiscent of an old cartoon (i.e. tom and jerry, mickey mouse, etc

this guy thought he could beat me up, so i hit his ass with a cartoon special

by kurlowirt July 17, 2024

Special Finger Painter

A person who paints works of art with their own crap usually a swastika and or someone who is mentally deficeint

"dude who is the special finger painter who made his masterpiece in the stall?"

by PlanesWalker October 28, 2012