Source Code

The Special

When someone rubs there hand on their scrotum or anus and puts it on someone’s body, possessions, or food. Make sure before you commit this ancient torture method, you say “ Hey man, you know we’re friends, right?

I gave dean the special by putting my sweaty asshole on an airhead and fed it to him.

by Chris got it May 10, 2022

The Special

The Special is getting a hand job under the table in a public setting.

Pete: Bro, Jess gave Ronny the special at the dinner table!
Steve:oh shit, in front of his parents

Pete: Hahaha, yup!

Steve: That's nuts!

by Kimmiekakes July 3, 2020

The Rizzo Special

When you talk to a girl for the sole purpose of using them to get to their friend

Kai- “ Yo I heard you hit up Kelly ?”
Rizzo- “ no no, I hit up Kelly for her friend Amanda”
Francisco- “ oh so the Rizzo special then”

by Big dick Davis November 22, 2019

special gravy

that yummy yummy creamy dick sauce

"yeah bro i banged her out and gave her a lil taste of my special gravy last night"

by beansinmycoochie March 1, 2022

mowbray special

When someone puts their Dick in your mouth when you’re not paying attention

Did you hear Loren got the mowbray special on Sunday?

by Realdealriz October 19, 2023

Fiesta Plate Special

Noun, when a person has diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and renal deficiency. Usually caused by eating a lifetime of Fiesta Plates. Occurs in about 80% of the Guam population.

Nurse - "Hey Doc, we just got a guy check into the ER"
Doc - "What's his past medical history?"
Nurse - "He's got the fiesta plate special"
Doc - "fuck"

by Milo277 July 23, 2015

Santana special

When you lick another guys ass for a couple of clash of clans wizards

Yo goochines did ricky try giving you a Santana special for some lvl 5 wizards.. What a gay

by tAchilles February 20, 2015

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