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gorgeous level

A way of saying your not feeling at your maximum beauty level, or your are. Example; I am 3 points below Gorgeous Level Jacqui today, I need a facial and a wax! A way to let you friends know you are feeling fugly, but still recognize you are gorgeous.

Girl, your at gorgeous level 10 today! That cut suits you!

by Glow girls February 11, 2018

Cock-out Gorgeous

When some girl is so hot if you want to masturbate to her

Wow, I didn't realize Rons girlfriend was cock-out Gorgeous.

by Coop d'Ville August 30, 2017

gorgeous george

defines george travers as a sexy man

hay gorgeous george

by sugdaleftone July 19, 2022

Pussy Gorgeous

to describe a man who doesn’t like pussy

Hey your pussy gorgeous

by June 1, 2023

Gorgeous McSexy pants

When someone looks gorgeous all the time, but becomes sexy in the pants they are currently wearing.

Dang babe, you’re gorgeous mcsexy pants in those jeans

by Overwatch 8705 January 22, 2021