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The month of May, the month you stop drinking to determine if it MAY be the alcohol that’s making you fat. It’s like Dry-January, only it’s strictly superficial.

I lost 20 pounds during Maybe-May, it was the booze the whole time! Let’s stop drinking during May, maybe we will lose weight.

by JaxU April 28, 2021

Maybe, I'll think about it.


"Do you wanna hang out with Cathy and bobby and watch the bachelor?"
" Maybe, I'll think about it."

by Tom_banjo July 1, 2017

Maybe Next Year

1. Literally any other time
2. Never in a million years

1. Person 1: I forgot to walk my dogs today.

Person 2: Oh well, maybe next year.
2. Ugly Guy: Hey lets meet up.

Girl: Yeah, maybe next year.

by dolce and gabbana July 18, 2017

Maybe after the quarantine

An easy way out of rejecting someone

him: hey, you seem pretty chill, wanna go out some time?
her: maybe after the quarantine, lol

by MTVFuckBoy October 15, 2020

Yeah, maybe

What I say to that random kid in my apartment complex who asks if I hate him

Random kid: do you hate me
Me: yeah, maybe

by 🗣🗣🗣🗣 April 11, 2021