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Mighty Mold

A man who loves having sex with short men.

That crazy Mighty Mold done gone and fucked another midget!

by Smokey da Bear April 2, 2006

A Mighty Zeus

A Mighty Zeus is when you hook up your junk to a car battery before having anal sex.

" I gave my ex a Mighty Zeus last night and boy was she shocked!"

by The Whitehead September 7, 2018

Mighty cowboy

A party move in which one eats a meal from mighty taco in the bar “the cowboy”. Only accessible for those who’ve had yager bombs on a Saturday night.

Damn, Mark is doing the mighty cowboy tonight. He’s got a super mighty with extra cheese in his pocket.

by Sarsar December 16, 2018

the mighty ogre

A fat fuck who does nothing but shit


by superplush January 9, 2018

mighty male

It’s just like being male, but it completely dismisses the very notion of transitioning. You are male, you always were male, and you’ll always be male.

I’d say I transitioned from male to mighty male, but I was always mighty male.

Look at this super straight mighty male over here. An integral part of the gender binary.

by 1776today July 4, 2021

Trish The All Mighty

You cannot say a word in front of his highness, Trish. He is the best Fortnite player who has ever existed, getting 10,000 wins. Everyone is so jealous of him, and he is very frightening with him being so tall at 3 feet he is so popular in RWA that in honors of him, they will make a bouncy castle looking like him.

Luffy: Where is our lord
Goku: Where is our savior
GUY SENSEI: Trish The All Mighty

by rooferman November 3, 2020

Mighty Yomach

An energy drink which is derived from the blood of Odin, boiled in the dark cauldron of Hades, then cooled by Queen Elsa herself to be consumed by mortals. Now sold at Costco and Starbucks.

"Yo! Did his head just explode?"
"Yeah, I bet he's on that Mighty Yomach"

by Juice Box Joe October 3, 2014