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Pink incel

Epic gamer arrested for possession of illegal firearms and explosives in the 26 of March 2016, recently convicted in Guantanamo for relationships with colombian carteles and other forms of organized crime, currently whereabouts are unknown

Steve: have you heard about Pink incel?
Mark: yeah he's based and redpilled

by Lockal March 5, 2021

Incel Revolution

The upcoming and imminent Revolution, led Vladimir Incel, Lev Cucksky, and Iosif Cuckold, to change the global dynamics once and for all. Incels will no longer cry for not having any bitches.

Guy 1: Hey this Whatifalthis uploaded a video on some incel revolution.
Guy 2: lmao, what?!

by RedHood69 April 20, 2024

incel man

an involuntarily celibate bitch who thinks making sexist comments and jokes about women is fine. he thinks women owe him something and often whines about being lonely to make women feel bad for them. he is that type of man who can come off as creepy and will probably tell you the story of when a girl broke his heart in first grade and uses it as an excuse for his behaviors. incels often have an addiction to beating their meat to porn every night because they dont know how to talk to women in real life without being weird and straight up disrespectful. they are the men who hit you up with a suggestive message on social media instead of acting like normal men and not like horny bitches in heat.

incel: "hey girl. you're beautiful, do you send any?"

girl: "wtf? no. dont ask me that again lol. that was creepy"

incel: *offended* "well damn bitch, it was just a question. why are you so rude?"

girl: "because you sound like a desperate incel and you certainly dont know how to talk to girls, creepy ass incel man."

incel: "ugh all of you are hoes anyways! i hate women! thats why you are fatherless and no one will want you."

by leonsass August 4, 2024


A young man of an online community who consider themselves unable to enjoy Gaming on a platform/console they Do Not prefer, often associated with views that r Hostile toward other Gamers, Games & Consoles whom having fun & doing good

Term Invented by @Katharsyis

He is such a console-incel, so unable to just have fun!

by @Katharsyis June 5, 2024

Incel D

A pejorative for Initial D fans, who believe they can be like Takumi Fujiwara only for reality check to kick in when those weeaboos lose to a slow Honda as their 1983 shitbox of a Toyota Corolla can't keep up before its engine gets blown. Not to mention that they believe that listening to Eurobeat makes them "drive faster" only to crash into a guardrail and end up six-feet under with their deceased grandmother.

Ron: Ayo, I can beat a Skyline with the AE86 because I'm a fan of Initial D.
Luke: Dude, do you realize that Toyota's underpowered, right?
Ron: Whaat?! I'll show you while I blast "Deja Vu" and whoop your sorry-ass Civic!
*Cue his car losing control*
Ron: OH SHI- *Car gets totaled, explodes and Ron dies*
Luke: I told you that you're such an Incel D fan.

by Cody D. Buni December 9, 2022


A comment or point made online, intended to demean or diminish the accomplishments of women. An incel's point of view.

What an incelent comment, how is your parents basement these days?

by fsb July 20, 2023

Angry Incels

And the only reason you're not a dirt poor mandingo is that you stopped using your own defunct mind and let me dance you around like the puppet you are.

Hym "And if I catch either of you praising that cripple again the only virgins you're going to get in heaven are going to be angry incels who are stronger than you as a matter of default."

by Hym Iam August 12, 2023