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Liquor Belly

When you drink too much alcohol and your too classy for a beer belly, so you grow a liquor belly

Kaitlyn has such a liquor belly, she couldn’t even fit into her wedding dress because that thing was sloshing around all over the place

by Liquorbellywife January 24, 2018

liquor snuggie

It is like the liquor blanket but more comfortable and maneuverable, with a general feeling of happiness and contentment.

Last weekend I drank just the amount of booze, man, felt like I was wrapped in a warm liquor snuggie, drunk but still functionable.

by Jr. El Tigre June 11, 2014

Poor Man's Malt Liquor

Mix beer and cider

Half a pint of beer and drop in a shot of cider to get this party going

Damn I wish I had something stronger than this beer and cider. Well I know we can make Poor Man's Malt Liquor

by AP_Rated October 4, 2023

Liquor Baby

A child who was conceived under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Bro you drink like a “liquor baby

by Lazy Pro August 28, 2021


Liquor that is stored in the rectal cavity, usually for concealment purposes

Hey man, can you cover me? I've got some butt-liquor and can't get caught.

by Flubbles November 2, 2016

Mult liquor Numbnutts

Someone who's sluggy and has bad intentions

I have a bad feeling about her, she could be a Mult liquor Numbnutts

by 123321sheltie May 7, 2016


Being "hydrated" by liquor.

You must stay hydrated if you want to stay liquorated without being drunk

by Auger May 24, 2014