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Sugar Cookie

A type of punishment in SEAL's BUD/S if you fail your uniform inspection. Typically, the person getting punished have to run into the surf zone, wet themself from head to toe, and roll themselves along the beach. They will have to wear that for the entire day.

Stop being a sugar cookie, and get over it.
- Admiral McRaven

by Demarcus Bartholomew James Jr. July 30, 2023

Sugar Cookie

A cat that goes into the neighbors yard and then runs back into its owner’s backyard to roll in dirt or sand.

“That little Sugar Cookie better come back here now.”

by Binkerman22 May 9, 2022

Sugar Cookie

Have your partner poop in the bed and roll around in it.

Last night my partner gave me a sugar cookie

by BigCookieGuy September 1, 2021

nuts in your cookie

Someone who’s got a bun in the oven.

You got nuts in your cookie after your honeymoon?

by The Goon Eliminater December 1, 2019

Brazilian Cookie

The act of ejaculating on a face, shortly after going outside and letting the released liquids dry into a crispy snack which is then eaten by who it may concern.

Me="Jizzes on girls Face"
Girl=Ill go dry this up and make a nice crispy Brazilian Cookie
Me=Thanks babe.

by iamjose October 2, 2011

The fortune cookie

When a man ejaculates into a females armpit leaving a surprise when opened.

My lover gave me the fortune cookie last night.

by Dranky DeBeers June 18, 2015