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ghost minor

To explore or study a subject to the extent that you comprehend it as much as someone who studied it as a minor in college, yet you have no official degree.

I ghost minored in Ancient Greek history by studying it on my own.

by npnrnrns November 5, 2019

ghost tha kid

he is a musical artist and he was a producer at one point in his life for covsquad productions

i met ghost tha kid today

by Lil Lyko April 14, 2024

Ghost Toad

An idea that you have had, possibly of profound nature, that has been forgotten and is eternally irretrievable. Like a dead, ghostly, slippery toad that has slipped away from the recesses of your mind, never to be seen again. Hence, GHOST TOAD.

Renee Descartes: I think therefore I..... ah damn it! Not ANOTHER ghost toad!!!

by schmuffin February 15, 2021

ghost pepper pecker wrecker

When your partner eats a ghost pepper, then immediately proceeds to give you a blowjob.

Yo man if you haven't had your girl give you a ghost pepper pecker wrecker, you need to tell her to do it its fire bruh

by Radicalbatical September 9, 2019

Ghost Scoping

What idiots call quick scoping

Person A: yo I have been practicing this new technique called ghost scoping
Person B: it’s called quick scoping you idiot

by CoDBoy6969 October 5, 2018

selfish ghost

-Like a thief in the night.
-Im coming for your heart,coming for your heart.
-Guess anything goes.

watch music video to help this word get explained better

I'm just a selfish ghost

by PimpDaddyChey April 6, 2020


fuck it, you cant see him, if hes in your area, YOU ARE FUCKIN DED

yes, a ghost in the trentches was a chad

by Chad3 October 31, 2021