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1. Pink, curly-tailed walking sandwiches.
2.Police officers.

My brother bought some pigs.

by April 12, 2024


Tastes fucking great in a fajita with spice.

fucking amazing pig meat bro

by VanceRuth October 23, 2019


Pig is a word that can be used to describe anything. Pig can mean bad, pig can mean good. Pig is every noun, verb, adjective and pronoun. Pig needs no context, for pig IS context.

This burrito is so pig.

You’re acting kind of pig rn dude…

by Cy the ohare delivery guy May 30, 2021


walking bacon

"Pigs go cluck."

by Meme Ghost October 6, 2021


An evil baconbag. These sausage lumps are a plague on humanity.

'Oh, my day was horrible, I saw a pig.'

by where's the orange juice November 15, 2020


hairy feminist warrior

you're such a pig, says the male
no, im a feminist, says the retarded human being
equal rights = equal responsibilities
- *feminist runs away*

by duriantiki September 9, 2018


pig is very strong animal.

pigs are very good gamer, he can beat every enemy he spot. proven by scientists

gamer PIG

by Pigulin November 24, 2021