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The Gaming Council

A group of extremely sexy individuals, who make the best content on YouTube.

“The Gaming Council is so hot!”
I know right! Michael is the hottest!”

by Harold_Gaming_Official January 4, 2021

Council Bluffs Sister

Incestual Relationship; also applies to other family members.

"Where's Jim tonight?"
"Oh, he's out with his Council Bluffs Sister again..."
"Wow. Won't their kids have hooves?!?"

by Arrogant Joe March 15, 2022

Council secretary

Where a council scheme Instagram barbie tries to dress classy but there’s no hiding the cooncil lips on her puss

Check her out there, thinks she some kind of executive assistant, that’s that wee slapper on Instagram who lives in the scheme, looks like some kind of council Secretary

by Cooncil March 15, 2023

Council Cigar

A poverty cigar rolled with a king skin

"Tom rolled a council Cigar last night, for his 24th birthday"

by DJ Steves April 18, 2023