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Lypo Surgery Star Of India

Jr NTR is called lypo surgery star who can eat 10 pig biriyanis in one sitting had 20 lypo surgery sitting for body and face ,so this breakeven less star is called as lypo surgery star

Lypo surgery star of india

by JrNTR May 8, 2021

Star Wars Horse

What lame-os call the AT-AT but cosmically and emotionally, this is the true name of that big thing in episode V. That shit was crazy.

*Driving past the Oakland cranes*
“Oh! The Star Wars Horses!”

by Pleabs415 September 11, 2022


the line Jotaro (protaginst of part 3) says in part 4 to time stop for 0.5-4 seconds

Jotaro: STAR PLATNUIM: ZA WARUDO *time stops* Star Platnium: ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORAAAAAAA Jotaro: Toki wa ugokidesu (time has resumed)

by Ultimate Life Form Kars January 5, 2022

Little Kylie Star

A not so well known YouTuber who does stop motion and video games. She has 6 subs currently, and 4 videos. In unison league, Her name is DemonicArcher

Omg!! Little Kylie star is amazing at stop motion!!

by Please don't kill me November 22, 2016

meme star

somebody who is funny af and makes memes

"that was a funny joke, what a meme star"

by we.be.feelin.pussy.kat.ie March 16, 2017

Goof Star

A sterling example of an awkward person. The epitome of being incompetent, foolish, or stupid, but in an endearing way. Not to be confused with a goof.

That goof star didn't want to stop the date even after he spilled hot chili cheese fries all over my blouse.

by walllaby September 14, 2010

star platinum

a ghost that is obtained by stabbing yourself with a cool arrow and hope you dont get trash and get the world (Za Warūdo) Or Star platinum (Star Purachina)

dont actually do this you will die

star platinum is spooky ghost has power to stop time and punch with fast reflexes and can kill a gay vampire that can also stop time but was too cocky and died to a weaker version of him making him obtain skill issue

by yare daze yare ora ora ora ora February 18, 2022