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Prosper Mighty Eagle Marching Band

Band full of kids who all play super smash bros and laugh at jokes funny years ago

Kid: Big Chungus, hehe, *snickers*
Me: That was funny years ago bro wtf
Kid: Says the guy that has Tiktok 🤓

Me: Everything you laugh at comes from tiktok, except it’s years old
Kid: Nope, you like chinese propaganda *chuckles*
Me: Oh right, you’re in the Prosper Mighty Eagle Marching Band

by Don’t even ask bro December 30, 2022

cast of mighty duck

The cast of people who make up the BEST MOVIE TRILOGY EVER MADE. Like literally ever.

The cast includes:
Emilio Estevez plays Gordon Bombay

Joshua Jackson plays Charlie “the spaz” Conway

Elden Henson play Fulton Reed
Vincent LaRusso play Adam “cake-eater” Banks

Shaun Weiss plays Greg “Goldie” Goldberg

Marguerite Moreau plays Connie Moreau
Garette Ratliff Henson plays Guy Germaine
Matt Doherty plays Les Amerman
Kenan Thompson plays Russ Tyler
Colombe Jacobsen-Derstine plays Julie “the cat” Gaffney
Brandon Quintin Adams plays Jessie Hall
Justin Wong plays Kenny Wu
Aaron Lohr plays Dean Portman
Ty O’Neal plays Dewayne Robertson
Mike Vitar plays Luis Mendoza

The cast of mighty ducks is one of the best casts ever of the 90s.

by IdidthissoIcouldmakeonedef February 21, 2022

Pulled off a Mighty

Doing something so bad that you get banned instantly off a community you are in.

You heard about mighty?
No, why.
He said the n word again and got banned permanently

I guess he Pulled off a Mighty

by This Guy Is NOT The September 24, 2023

Mighty Diamond

He is a really nice person overall but can be a jerk sometimes by closing your computer and abusing you sometimes but again an overall good friend

Me: Man Mighty Diamond closed my computer and hit me with a stress gummy worm!

by HAHAnonono January 20, 2022