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Obsessive compulsive disorder

Common mental health condition where a person has obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours. OCD can affect men, women and children. Some people start having symptoms early, mostly around puberty, but it usually starts early adulthood, even though it can start before there.

Guy: Hey why are you doing stuff an even amount of times?
Friend: Obsessive compulsive disorder.

by LouisGDYTUrban August 28, 2021




by Someguy68 August 4, 2021


obsessed to the point you call and text the person constantly 24/7. no matter the time or day you still call them and check up on them very often.

"Jack is so obsessed with me, he keeps calling me"

by SassyButSensitive June 20, 2019


Preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone or something) continually and to a troubling extent.

The blue noses are obsessed with Dundee United

by FTD83 January 6, 2018


A term that many people now use when to describe their emotions when they really like a particular product and find themselves thinking about it and enjoying using it.

"I'm obsessed with the new Japanese restaurant downtown and ate there twice this week."

"I'm obsessed with how my lips look with this new lip gloss on them."

"I'm obsessed with the Birkenstocks that we saw yesterday and am going to go buy a pair."

by slayadragon May 10, 2022


When someone thinks about something 24/7, some may give the little fella a good beating to this certain thing.

Example 1- “Fuck bro Duke Lee is OBSESSED in Richmond”

2- “hey look man duke Lee has made Another post about the tigers, he sure is obsessed”

3- Person 1“Oi buddy see that weird cunt over there dressing his dog up as a tiger?”
Person 2 “oh that’s duke, his my neighbour, I hear him praying every night that the eagles become better than Richmond”
Person 1 “his pretty fucken obsessed isn’t he”

by Doaskid July 31, 2018

your brand new obsession

<3 luv u jake <333

do you know what my new obsession is? jake bateman is my and your brand new obsession

by i'mgonnaboopu November 15, 2018