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when you burp after drinking soda and it comes out your nose

Friend: Dude, why are you making that face?
Me: That soda made me dizzle!

by hellurhellurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr October 13, 2017


Verb - to successfully dodge an accusation of sexual assault

First, Will diddled his employee and then he 'dizzled' her, making Will a real businessman and bringing America on step closer to "great" again.

by JohnKyle1990 August 2, 2018


To frequently make simple and avoidable mistakes

Sam just dizzled, he ran yet another red light.

by Switchy K May 22, 2018


it means that something is the shit

yo man that weed was the "mac-dizzle."

by jauquine May 8, 2008

ho dizzle

an encounter resembling a ho down, but including copious amounts of marijuana and wide spread oral sex. This word is only present in geographical regions surrounding Canadian universities.

"Last night I tripped and ho dizzled, crazy night."
"Will I see you tonight at the ho dizzle?"

by RavensRock February 25, 2009