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Threading the peedle

When one person is sitting down on the toilet to relieve themselves and a secondary person urinates in a fashion that the stream goes between the sitting person's legs and into the toilet bowl.

Ever since me and Steve failed at threading the peedle our friendship hasn't been the same.

by Peedlethread November 18, 2021

thread being

anyone who posts to a thread; especially perpetually

"I want to thank all of you fellow thread beings for posting in this thread."

by LivingDog June 27, 2007

pushing the green thread

a colloquialism used in phased array ultrasonic testing describing the act of maximizing the signal amplitude over a range of angles during calibration

Yo, did you push the green thread? Your sensitivity is whack at 60°
Took me forever to push the green thread on this notch. Sigh.
What’s the point of pushing the green thread for an ‘S’?

by mm_are_better May 22, 2024

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