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Porn for boys is like periods for girls

Males going through puberty will definitely watch porn just as females going through puberty will definitely have a period.

My mother asked me as a 14 year old boy at the dinner table, “You don’t watch porn do you, son?”

As I hesitated to respond, my father retorted, “Linda, porn for boys is like periods for girls.”

by Jose f August 14, 2024

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Porn Sexuality

It's when someone has a different sexuality for porn and usually makes someone confused about their sexuality
example: someone who usually dates guys when it comes to relationships, but will usually masturbate to straight porn.

Person 1: Yeah, my porn sexuality makes me really confused.
Person 2: I know your pain.

by Watermelon=Awesome November 14, 2017

Validation porn

Lazy, shallow, repetitive content or works that only exist to validate the pre-conceived ideals and beliefs of idiots who have radical politics or religious views as their entire personality. Is very low quality and is usually made by bitter, self-obsessed, cynical ideological zombies who use either religion or superficial traits to vindicate themselves of all personal agency.

That breadtuber’s content is just five hours of validation porn.

News outlets these days are just a bunch of validation porn.

Why can’t that loser stop making validation porn and get a real job?

by Magic Squid July 1, 2024

delete loss porn

When you post your stock or margin losses on social media with a triumphant hashtag or saying, expecting (or in a panic trying to justify) how it will inevitably reverse and you'll be a gazzillionaire.

Hey, I bought 10 GME shares at $380 a share. I work at a grocery store and make $2,200 a month. I spent 6 weeks salary on the stock of a company the resells video games using brick and mortar retail in 2021. Luckily, I believe in delete loss porn. Without any evidence, and doing no actual research apart from reddit or Facebook, I think this $3800 investment will easily be worth $500,000 later this year 🤪🤪🤪

by Lolzster89 April 9, 2021


i, the porn wizard, bless you all with infini-porn! as a token of my love and adoration to my husband; the angsty timekeeper.
the infinity represents that time has no beginning and no end. the porn is self explanatory 🌚

∞🍆 is a concept describing something without any bound, or something larger than any natural being 👀 and has n o e n d. philosophers have speculated about the nature of the infini-porn, one of whom has proposed many paradoxes involving infini-porn and one who has used the idea that infini-porn, even in small quantities, leads to exhaustion. this idea is also at the basis of infinitesimal dick energy

at the end of 19th century, ur mum introduced and studied infinite positions and infinite penises, which are now an essential part of the foundation of smexy times. for example, in modern porn, a dick is viewed as h u g e, and the power of infini-porn is larger than the universe itself. it is omnipotent. it could be it’s own being. thus the concept of infini-porn refines and extends ( 🍆🍆 much like a dick) the old philosophical concept. it is used e v e r y w h e r e. even in areas you would least expect.

church (y’all are sinners) and pornhub but that’s not really a surprise. for example, 50 shades of grey uses the very existence of infini-porn as a major plot point.

the concept of infini-porn is also used in physics and the other sciences (especially biology ;3 )

by ReinaSilva May 24, 2019

White collar porn

A man in a 5,000 dollar 3 piece suit in an executive suite pleasuring himself with a roll of 100 dollar Bill's. Often to classical music and expensive alcoholic spirits.

Television censors had a hard time telling the difference between the new Rolex advertisement and white collar porn.

by Starskipper November 2, 2018