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Min is the smartest most handsome Korean in your school. He have a perfect gpa and can steal your girlfriend so watch out

Yo you know that kid Min he is smart as fuck

by BihPH129 September 16, 2020


a person that’s annoying or rude or a bitch in general

ugh that girl is being such a min

by min master July 31, 2021



I'm 2 min in to this song "

by Coreean September 11, 2022

Heung Min Son

A washed diver that plays for Spu*s FC in the 3 tier of English football. The player is known for bottling finals and never winning any throphies.

Dude 1: Hey man have you heard about Heung Min Son?
Dude 2: Isn't he that horrible diver cunt that plays for shitteringham?
Dude 1: Yeah i think so.

by AverageBasedPerson May 19, 2022