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three nibbas

1: those are three nibbas
2: no, its a tri-nibba

by CarpetEater is a god agree? October 11, 2019

Nibbas creepin'

When someone slides in sum mofos dms like a stealth Boi. The frase
can also mean when yo B be doin sum weird ass distortion effect, commonly accompanied with a Bottom text.

Nibbas creepin'

Bottom text

by RobotWB February 24, 2018

sad nibba hours

Almost any time in the day when a NIGGA, feels sad. Normally about 12am.

-"Dude, im in SAD NIBBA HOURS, my girlfriend left me" :(
-"Shit thats sad, ACTIVATE SAD NIBBA HOURS".

by MemeBOIiiiiiiii October 16, 2017

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gay Nibba

A Gay Nibba is describing a black person whoโ€™s gay but instead of saying the actual racial slur i guess but add 2 bโ€™s๐Ÿ˜ญ

You Gay Nibba
Youโ€™re a black gay Nibba
Black Nibba

by yourgay12345 January 29, 2022

a orang nibba

a nibba whomst hair is orang

jim: doe he have aids
yeef; no he is a orang nibba
jim; is that something differenr
yeef: no

by buddydog.jpeg April 2, 2018

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