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pooh pooh stink

something/someone that you love a lot and care about

I love Chloe, she is my pooh pooh stink.

by Staygoodie1113 May 7, 2023

ez pooh

A toxic term used to say "skill issue", or "easy" to name a few. It's origin isn't truly known down to the exact spot, though it has been passed around a bit, though.

Person 1: bro this dude is a tryhard
Tryhard: ez pooh ;-;
Person 2: lmao

by ASillyOlGoober July 25, 2023

winnie the pooh

a way to say someone is an asshole

your handwriting sucks

stop being such a winnie the pooh

by Royal Nebula September 15, 2023

Winnie the pooh

Is a security guard slang term for some one who shits on the street or in the building.

"We got a winnie the pooh outside the emergency exit door in section 3"

by Shovellovingcarl December 17, 2017

Winnie The Pooh

When during sex a man (or woman) puts honey inside the others anus.

"Yo man imma pull a winnie the pooh on my girl tonight."

by daboss112 September 14, 2023

Pooh cupboard

Port a john, port a potty, portable potty

I need to take a dump in the pooh cupboard. John destroyed the pooh cupboard.

by I crack myself up August 14, 2022

Lynnie Pooh

A SUPER HOT PERSON who is funny

Lynnie pooh is a pan

by Gay:) November 16, 2021