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Myspace Emo Kid

Preppy bee-otch who claims their life sucks and posts it on myspace. Pretends to cut, do drugs, etc. Also takes pictures of themselfs with fake piercings while making heart symbols with their hands.

Myspace Emo kid 1: OOHH! MEH LYFE SUX!!! D:
Myspace Emo kid 2: IKR!!! D:
Bro: You cockpocket *hehe*

by 3 compadres May 25, 2009

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Emo kid position

Kinky sadimasochistic bondage sex against a wall with handcuffs, black whipped cream, whips, and rope.

Many emo kids love to have sex in emo kid position.

by shawbin May 7, 2011

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post-emo kid

A person (usually a "normal" teenager) who complains, rants and bitches about how much emo kids ae "fags", "homos" and "cutters" that he or she begins to sound like one themself

post-emo kid: UGH!!! I HATE EMOS SO MUCH (carries on for half an hour)

by defender of peace July 23, 2006

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scene&emo kid

a scene&eemo kid is just a kid that has scene and emo trends.. nevertheless some people might say that emo is a genre of music and not a style.. but lets just leave that out. Scene&Emo kids wear things that scene kids would wear and emo kids would wear, they're just not sure of what they are fucking make up ur minds! even if i cant make up mine..they like myspace alot.. but DONT have lines of songs in the screen names.

-A Scene&Emo kid might have his/her hair in various layers and like emo music a lot
-Wear bandanas either in their backpocket or on their neck, and dont kno how to hardcore dance.
-Talk all gangsta and shit.. but not even listen to hip-hop and rap
-Wear TONS of eyeliner and not have theyre hair in various layers, and not kno what being scene means.
-Have his/her hair in VARIOUS layers, listen to hip-hop, rap, use tight ass pants, and bands shirts (be in appearance scene) but be depressed all the time just like an emo kid.
-A Scene&Emo kid is a confused kid thats scene in style and emo in music or emo in style and scene in music...
-Not have even 100 friends but be scenece in appearance..
not saying that emo kids dont have friends just..

Ex of what an emo&scene kid would say...

Im totally gonna go hardcore dance at that show, eventho i like emo music to the core, im totally scene... oh wait.. i dont have friends at myspace, pshh wtv im totally a radilicious scene&emo kid.

by PauBliinaA July 19, 2006

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emo kids' anthem

The emo kid anthem can be anything that fits that particular person. It doesn't have to be "emo" like Brighteyes, but it can be screamo as well. After all, screamo is emo with a killing twist.

MCR is big with the so called "emo" kids
As well as Hawthorne Heights, as mentioned above.
Brighteyes seems to be popular for their soft melodic flowing music.
A more little known "emo" band would probably be called The Honorary Title. There's a song called "Everything I Once Had."
"February, Valentine's Day. Did my best to avoid the red cliches, so you dumped me on the subway on my way to work at nine in the morning."

Guy: Do you see the girl over there with the red streak in her hair, bangs in her eyes,and hear the soft accoustic music?
Girl: Yeah, what about her.
Guy (while whispering): She's emo. She's probably listening to the emo kids' anthem

by disco_bloodbath October 4, 2006

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Lars the emo kid

a character protrayed by youtubes Killjoy192000, a sterotypical emo whom i guess would to be gay or bisexual, lars often...struts around the house in a rather odd way, trying to find the meaning of life, he also has a protege called emo tot. while he is full out emo, in some cases he has been shown to realize that his looks, actions, and opinions are shaped only by the music that he relies on, like all other music fans, but is emo anyway, it is also apparent he is a fan of invader zim, and the a-team is his favorite movie, despite having never watched it, he likes all sterotypical emo music.

Lars the emo kid : my favorite movie is the "A-Team", i've never seen it, its my favorite movie.

by Shanna Gordon June 13, 2009

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Gay Emo Kid

marilyn manoson
aka darren the gay emo sitting nex to me

darren vella the gay emo kid

by not a metro March 3, 2009

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