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When you GO IN DRY several times and the IMMUNE SYSTENS in your body are always monitoring your use of YOUR ASSHOLE.

Hey, I speak from experience as I went in DRY a handful of times and now my ASSHOLE BRAINS kicked in and I am as lubricated as a BACKSIDE PUSSY.

by FOLLOW THE PERFECT SUN September 8, 2021

Pierson's Small Brain

Pierson's small brain is another word for a brain that has been deformed. The person with Pierson's Small Brain usually have learning disabilities and wont be able to keep up with the other kids in their school.

Im sorry, i have one of Pierson's Small Brains

by heypiersonwhatsup October 3, 2019

moth brain

Someone who enjoys fireworks. Like moths, these people are easily distracted by lights and oblivious to the downsides of fireworks, like the pollution of streets and the air, its negative effects on wildlife as well as pets and the trigger potential for people with PTSD, namely veterans.

A: But it's so pretty, don't you enjoy the lights??
B: What a moth brain...

by justtryingtomakethiswordathing December 29, 2020

Space brain

When your thoughts are all over the place and/or you are dissociating. Seen in neurodivergent people, and high people.

Friend one: Got space brain today
Friend two: Mood
Friend one: I didnt know you smoke weed too
Friend two: Oh. I just have ADHD

by Call me ur dad April 8, 2022

Brain Painting

The results of a Firearm being stuck in your mouth, and having the trigger depressed.

Steve:"Did you hear that Phil killed himself by Butt Chugging bleach?"
Johnny:"Nahh dude, he shot himself. Left a nice Brain Painting."

by Shreddie Wap January 25, 2017

Brain Canser

You must have a brain for this. Because of that no worry's

You have brain canser

by Tim van Weegberg May 9, 2018

Brain Canser

For this canser you need a brain. No worry's for you

You have brain canser

by Tim van Weegberg May 9, 2018