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Facial Hair

If yo girl pussy is hairy, after eating the cat, the hair gets stuck to your chin or on the top of yo lip and will stay there

Woah Joe, how'd you get that facial hair?

I ate my girl pussy last night

by You thought I was feeling u? October 27, 2022

Jailhouse Hair Dye

Hair dye made with kool aid or other candy/drink mixes in prison because inmates aren’t allowed actual hair dye

She had red jailhouse hair dye when she got out of prison.

by Amber’s Jail House Interview June 18, 2021

long hair dysmorphia

The feeling that your hair is never long enough even if it is really long and thick.

“Your hair has really grown, it’s so long
“I don’t think it is at all, I think I have long hair dysmorphia.”

by yoyomynameishoe October 22, 2023

Douche Hair

A teenage male who likes to go from girl to girl, but always ends back up with the skanky hoe bag. Often shave basketball or football numbers into the back of their heads to look "Macho"

Girl One: Ew, whos that dude walking around with that skanky hoe?

Girl Two: That's *name* . He plays foot ball and basket ball.

Girl One: OMG, and his jersey number is shaved into his hair!

Girl Two: I know! He is SUCH a douche hair!

by qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmmmnb January 28, 2012

Hair mouth

The word you say mid way through kissing if her hair gets in your mouth.

sophie stop, hair mouth

by Grrrr123 June 22, 2020

Icicle hair

Adolescent slang for 'freezer burn'

Mommy the fruit in the back of the freezer has icicle hair

by JosieGal September 15, 2021

Long hair louis

Long hair louis,is louis tomlinson (a.k.a the sun) with long hair seen recently as of april-march of 2021. Most of us louis stans freaked out over this,because even though the man is 29,he doesn't know how to take a selfie :|. anyways as you can see,mr.stylinso- oops (hi) sorry i meant mr.tomlinson,has lucious shoulder length hair,we would adore if he let his s/o (Mr Harry Styles) braid his hair.

random mf taking a walk: who even are you?

by larryslovebot April 28, 2021