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New World

An MMORPG released in September 2021. Created by Amazon, the game features a vast array of “things to do”. As a player myself I do find it extremely addictive. Starting to think coke is mild compared to this life sucking experience.

“Hey what’s your logging at?”

“I’ve deforested half the province of Everfall for 4 straight hours and I’m only at 31”

“Wow! I love new world!”

by BeanBoySupreme October 7, 2021

World's Shittest Bar

Awal Avenue, Juffair in Bahrain is the location of The World's Shittest Bar. It is visited on the annual Bahrain Cultural Trip where pilgrims must drink at least one pint before staggering out into the searing heat of Bahrain.
Nobody knows the name of the bar - or remembers exactly how to get there. But it is very real - and very shit.

Archie - "Fancy a pint in the World's Shittest Bar, Billy?"
Billy - "No. Let's go."

by MaccieG August 21, 2023

best senior engineer in the world

the text on your dad's mug if your dad has a boring profession

My dad is the best senior engineer in the world! so that's why my dad is boring.

by martcraft June 6, 2018

the World Wide Web

Abbreviated as WWW, this was the internet's name when it first was fully publicly available.

Welcome to your personal mailbox in the World Wide Web.

by MineTurtleBOOM January 2, 2019

world babble

the world studying about foreign neighbors even though the world shares transportation times for all people.

The world babble made every country think about a military conflict.

by Coop Dupe June 11, 2018

outta this world

being high as fawk

bro yu good?

im outta this world

by this world January 12, 2022

dingi world

The name of the world cult made up of individual groups of the dingi that are made up of individual dingi

Bob: oh god the dingi world are gathering here next week

jeff: My god save our souls and soda

by Dragonbreath413 March 4, 2021