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The best middle school saxophone player in Campbell County. The most amazing instruMENTAList alive that makes other band kids cry. His band teacher wants him to join marching band due to his sheer skill as a human.

"Man, that Jeffrey is the saxophone player alive."

by dumbassmoron December 12, 2019


Jeffrey is usually used as a slang for Self-Improvement for someone that doesn't use his time to improve himself, and instead indulges in instant-gratification (Video games, masturbation, junk food, drugs etc...) and usually he also has poor mental health.
The antonym of Jeffrey in the Self-Improvement community is "Adonis"

- Emily: Omg guys!!! Gabriel is such a Jeffrey
-Gabriel: Hey!! Im not a Jeffrey!

by GalGameplays2.0 May 15, 2023


Jeffrey is a very bright person not when it comes to school though. He's a black guy that hates pictures and never smiles because he thinks he looks ugly. He has good friends and Talks on discord. He can be a little forgetful and sends messages to the wrong person a lot (sometimes more than once). He finds the funniest memes and stuff on the internet and He helps his friends when they're sad.

"Hey did you talk to Jeffrey today?"

"No he told me to go away"


"Because his best friend was sad and he was helping her"

"Oh Ok"

by CreepyCrawlie0820 December 9, 2020


English version of the Arabic name Jaffar, wich is translated: "Niserine's type" or "made only for Niserine"... mostly given to very tall, athletic and extremely smart and loving men especially when they are born goodlooking, that also happen to be very rich.

"Oh wow that guy is so Jeffrey, I wanna marry him" - a wild rose

by Lovewildroses November 23, 2021

jeffrey carey

Very hardworking ,cares about his and wife, loves vocabulary, very handsome

I would love to marry Jeffrey Carey

by Abbigayle Carey February 9, 2018

Jeffrey Mcllvaine

Sounds like an asshole.

“Yo you know who Jeffrey Mcllvaine is?”
Naw man. Sound hella like an asshole tho”

by HabbiDaPuthy February 28, 2019

Long Jeffrey

(n) Erection. An erect penis. Hard-on. Boner.

Can't a guy just get a long jeffrey while making out?

by bonethegreat August 20, 2014