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candy zip

a method of caffeine ingestion that involves mixing raw caffeine powder with a packet of sugar/artificial sweetener

person1: yoo, me and bill are tryna candyflip today, u down?
person2: naahh, i gotta work today. tired af, might candy zip later

by dont use your real name lol April 26, 2023

zip tripped

When you beat the crap outta some body and they never had a chance.

Watch out dude, you keep running your mouth and you're gonna get zip tripped.

by Mandolio September 8, 2017


An ameteur rapper sometimes known on the streets as "Zitz in da House"

Yo, did you hear that new Zip-Loc track?

by K to the Ripp April 25, 2007

Zip Tie (ing)

Using a zip tie, and tying a friends personal items to a hilarious object, and or item. Most appropriate with shoes, bags, etc.

Hey J! Why don't we zip tie D's backpack to the steering wheel of A's car?

Zip Tie (ing) is so fun, especially when it's in bathrooms.

by JUDDYJUDJUD January 28, 2012

Dome a zip

Smoke at least an ounce of marijuana

Nate & I are gonna dome a zip when he comes to visit Philly. :3

by Falcopunchatron April 20, 2017

Zip Jean

When I guy gets his penis stuck in his zipper.

Guy: Babe, I think I got zip jean!

Jean Jam

by Jacklyn High October 1, 2015