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An almost insane desire, longing, or burning lust for someone or something. You feel like without that thing or person, you are not complete and can't cope, or- in extreme circumstances- live, unless you have the object you desire.

Mady is has an obsession for females that are prettier than her.

by Barrym0re October 12, 2023


Katlyn Weimer

Katlyn Weimer has a weird obsession with Taylor Dixon because she is psycho.

by Arizona T June 16, 2017

Obsessive compulsive bi-polar fad chasing disorder

Obsesses over the newest fad or idea. Always has a new hobby or passion. Instantly knows everything about the obsession, most likely due to google search.

By 8 a.m. this morning, my buddy had entered the Mr. Universe contest, by 10 a.m. he sold his gym equipment. By noon one would of thought he had a masters in science and computer technology due he vast knowledge of google searched items. Then as the afternoon came to an end, he had sold all of his computers and purchased a dog sled, and was going off the grid in the Yukon. Very typical of his obsessive compulsive bi-polar fad chasing disorder.

by Cucklife February 6, 2021

Obsessive Opp Disorder

"obsessive opps disorder" might refer to an enemy who is intensely fixated on another enemy to the extent that they are willing to endanger their own well-being or freedom in pursuit of that obsession. This could manifest as a relentless and extreme focus on a rival or adversary, disregarding personal safety or consequences in the process. It may be a slang or colloquial expression used in certain urban communities to describe this kind of intense and reckless behavior towards a perceived opponent

Bro suffering from obsessive opp disorder "ood" he almost died because of it yesterday!

by Ted Bossinova May 29, 2024

obsessive opp disorder

obsessive opps disorder might refer to an enemy who is intensely fixated on another enemy to the extent that they are willing to endanger their own well-being or freedom in pursuit of that obsession. This could manifest as a relentless and extreme focus on a rival or adversary, disregarding personal safety or consequences in the process. It may be a slang or colloquial expression used in certain urban communities to describe this kind of intense and reckless behavior towards a perceived opponent

Those dude went to jail and a few died because the couldn't control their obsessive opp disorder.

by Ted Bossinova June 3, 2024

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Common mental health condition where a person has obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours. OCD can affect men, women and children. Some people start having symptoms early, mostly around puberty, but it usually starts early adulthood, even though it can start before there.

Guy: Hey why are you doing stuff an even amount of times?
Friend: Obsessive compulsive disorder.

by LouisGDYTUrban August 28, 2021




by Someguy68 August 4, 2021