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Ripper gagger

Put one hand in a girls mouth then put the other in her vagina

Eill went to ripper gagger his mom then jerked off

by Will ladd October 6, 2018

Ripper gagger

A guy puts one hand in a girls mouth then he puts the other in her vagina then lifts her up and throws her on the bed

Will went to ripper gagger his mom then jerked of

by Will ladd October 6, 2018

Ripper Roo

a sexual position involving the thrill of woman being fucked and given an atomic wedgie at the same time

Guy 1: dude guess what
Guy 2: bro what
Guy 1: I did a Ripper Roo with my girlfriend last night
Guy 2: dude, that's metal

by dankcheetah420 September 10, 2023