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George Washington Carver

A statue of the first President of The United States George Washington carving a statue of Darwin the monkey

Man that George Washington Carver is HOT!

by Triceritops III June 15, 2024

College Georges Charpak

College Georges Charkpak is a shitty middle school in Brindas, Lyon, France with the most stupid people. There are a lot of fights for the stupidest reasons. All those the food there is good don’t be fooled there are hairs on the bread and the yogurt has teeth in it. DON’T GO TO THAT SCHOOL.

College Georges Charpak is the shittiest place you will ever go to.

by Clara Nols December 5, 2019

George Watkins

A tall ass Latina that is a goat at kickball and literally everyone has a crush on.

Sheesh did u see GEORGE WATKINS, he’s fine as hell.

by XXXgoatXXX03 March 24, 2021

George Manning

Has a great sense of humour and is good looking. Normally has a really late set bedtime, because his parents are chill. He never gets in trouble for anything, but does the most outlandish stuff. Goes one girl at a time (respectful). Unique!

George Manning

by Old child 64 November 22, 2021

george papas

1- a very cool indevidual
2- found in in monterey
3- also found at easties
4- found at hurstville
5- gets with all the chicks

"george papas" picked up like 10 chicks at easties then went to hurstville and picked up another 10 then went back to his house and had sexual intercourse with them all.

by geor_00 September 8, 2009

George Peter Mason

George Mason is an iconic blonde boy who is so cool. He has so many friends and is extremely attractive

Wow I have developed feelings for George Peter Mason

by magenta14 February 8, 2022

Georges St. Pierre

The original MMA Sex Icon. Ironically, he's a sweet and loving, down to earth guy. It's hard to break that genuine interior and make your wildest fantasies come true. You don't stand a chance with Georges, you might as well not even try, because he won't let you have your way, it's him who does the choosing. He's very reserved but when you get to know him, he's actually a very crazy, funny, and cool guy. Actually, Crazy, Sexy, Cool, describes him very well.

Georges St. Pierre can be so mysterious sometimes, what a turn on!

by Lala the Goat June 12, 2024