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facebook roundabout

You start on Facebook, then say you're bored of it, and then after visiting just a few more sites find yourself back on Facebook without realising it.

i was on facebook got tired of it and before i knew i was on facebook agian wtf facebook roundabout!!

by guitarist2012 January 7, 2012

FaceBook Prayers

For when you ask for something in facebook to do something or someone to give you something.

Yesterday I asked for like buttons on comments! Now they do! My facebook prayers have been answered!!

by UDissoooepical June 16, 2010

Facebook faithful

Posting memes,e-cards,god quotes and god associated pics while still being a party whore who drinks,smokes,partakes in drugs and sex.

Im a born again Christian but i still party and shit. Im so Facebook faithful.sex,god,drugs,devil

by Brian Greenfield May 15, 2014

Facebook hyper

When someone is on Facebook while hyper, usually from sugar or caffeine. This person will post, message and comment much more than usual during this state.

"Sorry for all the messages last night, I downed an entire coffee and was Facebook hyper."

by Pink CiCi September 29, 2011

facebook vet

Someone who in Facebook comments will scream about how much that cute little puppy or guinea pig is getting abused when in realty they're fine. They will criticize the pets diet, habitat, and interactions based on one video. Facebook vets love to jump to conclusions and cry animal abuse whenever possible.

Wow that facebook vet thinks they know SO much about animals and what is good and bad for them. They should totally judge the owner based on one video.

by t3chn0bab3 March 17, 2019

Facebook Super Mom

The mother who takes a million photos of everyone she has around her at all times, flaunting all the good things she does for those in her life

Defined: Someone who wants everyone to think their life is the best Id the best, they help everyone and surely want anyone and everyone to know it. Posting all the helpful things they do for the community
“Wow Nancy really wants to be a Facebook Super Mom”

by slsmct January 7, 2022

facebook half hoe

A girl who posts fully clothed pictures for the sole purpose of getting attention and likes from men or women.

That girl sure is a facebook half hoe, she almost a facebook hoe.

by 12potatoes December 20, 2016