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Pulling a Jeffrey

When you actively avoid every and any form of necessary social interaction that involves making plans for other people such as friends, family ect. This involves waiting to the last possible second to put together slapdash plans and excessive amounts of procrastination generally initiated by a male specimen.

Jane: Andrew is putting off our holiday planning. We only have a week before we are supposed to go. He always does this!

Ariana: Sounds like your man is Pulling a Jeffrey

by Totallylily:) August 17, 2017

Josh Jeffreys

Rumour has it he has a massive shlong. Don’t ask him about it as he’s too humble to talk about it.
P.S by the time you’re done with him you’ll have more ink over you than michael schofield

The big hench alphamale called Josh Jeffreys had minge coming out of his wizardsleeze

by joshj69 November 24, 2021

Jeffrey Sledge

stupid faggot with a tiny penis

That kid commenting on David's status is such a Jeffrey Sledge!

by AndroPunk March 11, 2013

Mr. Jeffrey Epstein

Having underage sex slave party’s where Hollywoods cultists molest kiddy’s and perform sacrifices and feast on adreamacrome extracted by horrific acts on the innocent children

Mr. Jeffrey Epstein, it is time to tell the world who the real rulers are. Stop with the sextime and the kiddy cats

by Gmoneymight May 22, 2023

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