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The word jiggle comes from the Latin background meaning, food. This is mainly used for really good foods, or for fake food.

Wow! Did you hear about the jiggle food that Kelly made? It was amazing!

by May 9, 2022


someone who says things that do not make any sense.

Omg your such a jiggle! i cant even understand what your trying to say!

by AmazingWorldofGumball March 31, 2019


when a girly pop shakes that thang and it bounces up and down

damn girl, do it jiggle?

by Jiggly Joanne May 9, 2024


When a piece of gelatin or something else moves side to side

Guy 1: bro that jelly is jigglin'
Guy 2: my money jiggle ji-

by Upper Austria May 28, 2023



That guy is being such a Jiggles = that guy is such a narc

by December 11, 2020

jelly jiggle

The act of placing the penis into a male/female jelly role

I gave her a jelly jiggle.

I consider myself to be a jelly jiggler.

I watched as I made her jelly jiggle.

by Canidoiy September 27, 2017

Jiggle Waddle

A woman or girl who has excessive body fat that can't help her excessive fat from jiggling while she walks. Said woman also is so large that she waddles like a duck.

Hey Billwee, look at that jiggle waddle! Bet shes heading over there for a fat burger!

by try for free October 20, 2012