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stevie pooh

The coolest Dominican and Puerto Rican person in the world.

You see that guy right there? He is a Stevie Pooh!

by FlyingHamster June 3, 2017


Dismissively reject without consideration

Why do you always "pooh-haw" my ideas?

by Sam man July 7, 2006

Winning the pooh

Butt fucking

He was winning the pooh when he got his dick in the booty

by Prrsuasian April 16, 2022

Pooh Mark0witz

A young fellow who delivers WaWa and is Poohshiesty.

That’s so Pooh Mark0witz😹

by Yosh Budussy March 24, 2022

pooh bea

Pooh Bea is a one of a kind peson that you won't find any where else it is Very Rare if you find one so you should charish him/her, and also has a very large penis. And are also known to be on the some what abnormal side ,and have a very good passion for violence.

Damn Pooh Bea stop stabbing that guys grandmother

by Beth Mackworthy March 15, 2017