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a legendary fuckface addicted to meth and crack who loves to eat ass and drink cum

damn you are really a jedi huh

by micheal cheese January 21, 2021


Midwest tweaker that is over forty, off parole,has a good job, a place to live, and a vehicle.

Hey Tim ,I didn't know Stan got high. Tim said back ( Stan's a Jedi you weren't supposed to know , that's the point.

by Poobapoolman March 7, 2022


A nickname for a femboy kid from Colorado Springs who is always threatening suicide and masturbating to furry porn roleplay. Also goes by the name "Roohstem".

Jedi was horny

by Grip Strength May 2, 2024


A nickname for a femboy kid from Colorado Springs who love the how to train your dragon soundtrack (respect), and masturbating to furry porn roleplay. Lives in his parents basement. Always threatening suicide, yet does nothing about his situation.

Jedi was being annoying.

by Grip Strength May 2, 2024


A group of horny warriors who play online games and believe they can "USE THE FORCE" to win battles.

* Their friends love them.

* Their enemies hate them.
* Their juvenile sense of humor usually leads to sexual innuendo and an orgy of nerdy deviancy and debauchery.

Join Jedi and we'll start an online circle jerk!

by November 23, 2021


Jedi - A term used for a coupon friendly cashier. They will glady accept coupons, push through all beeping coupons and happily hand out rainchecks . They are usually young men and young women. You will rarely get an old or middle aged Jedi.

Ex- I bought the right items for my coupon but they came up item not found. I am glad that I found a Jedi to push them through.

I have a hand full of coupons I need to profile the cashiers to find a Jedi!

by couponlady April 10, 2011

The Jedi Fallen Order Disaster

One faithful night, a young kid from New Jersey named Chris Dorner was playing Jedi Fallen Order. All was going well until he got to the last level of the game. He was fighting the Second Sister when he started to get a little angry. He started yelling and screaming and said "FUCK THIS BITCH!!!!!" to a bunch of pixels that were kicking his ass. Papa Dorner came in and said, "CHRIS!" and there was the sound of Chris disconnecting from the discord call. It was a sight to bold and Chris Dorner is a bitch.

Hey Chris Dorner you remember The Jedi Fallen Order Disaster?

by Chris Dorner Bitch March 5, 2023