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Kendall <3

A beautiful wonderful person who once you meet them you’ll never forget them their so thoughtful and understanding and I love them. - clyde

“ Hey do you know “Kendall <3” ? “No I do not. “ we’ll get to know them they’re great.”

by clyde/illuximity September 12, 2021

kendall weaver

the prettiest and most beautiful girl in the world. i am blessed to be dating her. when she walks into a room the whole room lights up from her beautiful blue eyes, and even tho shes a thot shes the best girl ever.

wow she is such a kendall weaver

by Sarah you know me January 23, 2018


The sexieeeeessst guy in the world.
All Girls want to fuck with him. Kendal is a person who never give up.
The most humans like Kendal are very sweet!

Omg! Omg !!!

Is this Kendal ? I want his faaaat and biggg dick baby!

by Kendal-ZaZa January 4, 2017


a very sexy handsome beast of a man who is often harassed by women due to his good looks

mmmm look at kendal he’s so handsome 😍

by dinx not kendal October 12, 2020


Is a very smart boy who doesn’t give a fuck about what anybody thinks. He will grow to being a professional soccer player. And he will play for Barcelona .

Kendal I never met anyone like you. You are so sweet and kind.

by November 24, 2021


Everyone needs a Kendal in their life. They don’t care about others opinions. They are always being mean but that’s because they love you and they are brutally honest. All Kendal’s are funny. And for some reason every Kendal can pull any boy. If you have a Kendal in your life, your life your lucky, if you don’t, start looking!!

Dude 1 -Wow she is so confident and doesn’t care what we think of her
Dude 2 - yeah that’s because she’s a Kendal, we need to be friends with her

by Heyboodfdfdf October 6, 2022


the hottest and sexiest ginger ever and the only ginger that has a soul and gets so many bitches. every ginger kendal you meet also means has a big dick

how does KENDAL have so many bitches?

by bigmeat037496969 March 30, 2022