Source Code

Speed Limit Larry

A driver who goes the exact speed limit, and not any faster.

Oh great looks like we’re stuck behind a speed limit Larry

by Goldendust September 19, 2023

Six Pack Limit

The distance limit of a person hiking in the woods carrying a six pack or case of beer. Can usually be described as a pile of broken glass bottles and crushed beer cans. Almost always the same distance from the trail head no matter where you are hiking in the world.

"Well, we've reached the six pack limit, look at all those beer cans!"

"We've gotta make the six pack limit by lunch or we won't make it to the nice campsites."

by premieride December 16, 2011

Limit the cross

Only legendary Pakistani people whom I don't know speak this and he is definitely not a cricketer.

Girlfriend: I'm pregnant
Boyfriend: you have limit the cross
*Goes to buy milk*

by Limit crosser January 21, 2023