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tippetty top

At the highest point

The price was at the Tippetty top.

by Ams1 October 7, 2015

top floor desk

the top

i been tryin’ my best, i want top floor desk

by supermanomri July 23, 2024

hard top

It is used for cars and the type of roof they have, the opposite is a convertible as it can change its roof and is not a constant hard top.

"I prefer a hard top car to a convertible"

"I don't think you know what a top is Bob"

by Rex420 January 10, 2022

top of the mornin' to ya, laddies

This is what the once-relatively-very-popular Let's Play Youtuber, "jacksepticeye" says at the start of his YouTube videos on Youtube.com (owned by Google (owned by Alphabet Inc.))

jacksepticeye: Top of the mornin' to ya, laddies! My name is jacksepticeye and today we'll be watching furry hentai
other person: ...

by Hunterry April 23, 2022

Jimin’s Top Lip

Something that does not exist.

Jimin’s top lip is covered with concealer to appear nonexistent.

Army: Did you know Jungkook has a pet fish?
Other Army: That fish is as real as Jimin’s top lip.

by taehyung’s dog January 7, 2021

fukkit top

an instrument used for smoking marijuana,
the head of the pipe, bong, water fall.

pass me the fukkit top

by marc henderson August 14, 2008

Boner on top

A sex position where the male sits on top of the woman while she's lying down, faces away from the woman, and bounces up and down on nothing (while he has a boner)

Bro I totally did boner on top with your mom last night

by Harvey bonerstein July 20, 2021