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Slang for Police. This term originated in the Bronx circa 1980 where the local police station was/is the 50th precinct.

Yo, 5-0, keep'im low.

by tigerturnedlion May 8, 2011

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It's usage first became popular in a television show called Hawaii 5-0.......they were the bureau that investigated homicides and when you called the main telephone number for Honolulu police you would ask for extension 50.....5-0.

Hi, I'm detective Williams can you connect me to extension 5-0?....I am working on a homicide and need to speak to a detective there.

by we_are_anecdotal December 6, 2015

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1. as most people know it, a nickname for cops
2. as everyone in my town and nerby know it, to save your seat it means for five minuts but evyone repsects it enough for it to be a much longer time but some kids are annoying and take it after five minutes

1. oh shit guys the 5-0's coming hide the pot
2. 5-0 said jack as he left his chair to go get a drink

by sudsy101311 August 31, 2006

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The police. People on the street call out 5-0 to alert the presence of the police.

Yo I saw 5-0 pulling up on the spot yesterday.

by jknHassan December 3, 2014

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Originally a slang term for cops that drove 5.0 liter 302 cubic inch V8 Foxbody Mustangs from the 80's-00's even though the Foxbody Mustangs ended production in 1993. Now it's just a slang term for cop.

Oh crap, the 5-0 is chasing us in a Mustang.

by ATX-CVPI July 18, 2019

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When you are fucking a girl, preferably from behind, and then you yell "oh shit, the cops" and then your friends come in and beat the shit out of her as you finish with your hands.

Person 1: I gave my bitch the 5-0 yesterday
Person 2: Oh shit, why wasn't I there
Person 1: I already had like 20 guys sorry bro
Person 2: It's fine brah

by Paenus the Roman Warrior February 20, 2014

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5 0

1. A cop. This term is used when the cop is coming after you. Avoid cops at all costs, they are out to get you for something you did or did not do.

2. A grind done on a skateboard when one truck is on the rail, and the other is raised above.

5 0, 5 0, scatter!

Pack your shit, we're going to Canada. That 5 0 just busted our crack house.

Shit, did you see that 5 0 grind he did down that rail?

by rickky November 9, 2005

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