Source Code

goliath birdeater

Scientific Name: Theraphosa Blondi. Biggest Spider in the world. Ironically in South America instead of Australia. Biggest are normally females.

Guy 1: Bro how's your Goliath Birdeater doing
Guy 2: Oh she's doing good

by GarrySucksLMAOKEKWLULW November 15, 2020

Goliath the great

Has the most relatable and understandable opinions about politics in Armenia. He stands up for his country even when he has haters on his tail. Loves his family and believes they come first. Also the the strongest man on earth both mentally and physically

Fred: Hey did you see Goliath the great's new post about the Armenia and Azerbaijan war.
Teddy: Yeah that man is really calling them out on the war crimes they committed.

by Jumbrozrule04 December 15, 2022

david and goliath

A condom gets left inside a person then someone else stretches it out and releases it causing a sting when it hits.

Jack- "I'm bored with donkey punching.
Jill- "Well finish up and you can give me a David and Goliath."
Jack- "Yahoo!"

by Detwiler October 21, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

david and goliath

You get a boner and stick it through a girls boobs and get blown by the girl.

I gave your girlfriend a david and goliath last night.

by CRAZYMOFOBEAST August 12, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

David vs Goliath

When a man with a micropenis engages in sexual intercourse with a woman with an enlarged clitoris. The clitoris must be larger than the micropenis to qualify.

Shaun had a real David vs Goliath situation on his hands when he found himself fucking that discounted Tijuana hooker.

by Manatee Soup June 14, 2019

asshole goliath

a giant asshole of goliath proportions. basically poop

you fucking asshole goliath! get your dick out of my ass!

by awesome awesome mann November 29, 2006

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Shave-id and Goliath

Right after you perform a pube overhaul, and no longer have any pubes, whether being on your grundle, balls or fupa, if you obtain a boner, thou shalt dub it Shave-id and Goliath.

I just did a pube overhaul. Check out Shave-id and Goliath.

by W0nt0ns00p April 25, 2009

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