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True Friend

A True Friend is a person that you can rely on and will be there for you . Hold your deepest and darkest secrets and they wouldn’t be spreaded . Stay by your side through thick and thin . Don’t go behind your back and be too-faced !!!

You are such a true friend , I’m happy I met you Trinity and Sidney !!

by True.Face May 25, 2018

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True friend

A real friend will encourage you in anything that you try. They will be there every step of the way, looking for opportunities to help you grow. Your cause becomes their cause. They will rejoice when you are making progress and celebrate with you.Life has its ups and downs. For many people, it is easy to stick around when the going is good but not when things are tough.
A real friend is not one of these many people, he or she is different.
They will be there when the going gets tough. Your worries become their worries. They share your successes as well as your failures.

A True friend walks in when the rest of the world has walked out.

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd August 31, 2019

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True Friend

A friend who is always there for you no matter how big or small the problem is.... Someone who's got your back throw it all... Someone who does not hold grudges... Someone you trust... Someone that helps you throw thing as a old friend or ex boyfriend or maybe even a loss in your family.. someone you can talk to.. someone that you know you can talk to...

True friends are hard to come by sometimes... But when you find one you will love to have one and you would never won't to Loas them and the would never won't to loss you ... Its like y'all are stuck with each other... Kinda like there you sister/brother

by this bish.....πŸ‘‘πŸ’™πŸ’–πŸ‘‘ November 18, 2015

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True Friend

A friend is a person who you feel comfortable asking for help they are a person who you can count on they don’t care how other people see you they’re just happy to be around you they’ll love you when you need to be loved and they won’t hesitate to call out your bull shit they will protect you when someone hurts you and they love you when you feel like no one else does

I have a lot of friends but very few true friends.

by PENCIL MAN May 24, 2021

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True Friends


True friends is the love and the true thing about them it doesnt mean to say shit about them is love no matter what happen and if they bully you there not the one for you and find the one for you the true friend and its all about you.

by Yaneli alcaraz November 29, 2017

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True Friends

1. True Friends

True friends are the people you can always go to. They can make your worst days the best and they know you better then anyone.
They are there in the bad and sing karaoke for hours with you by your side; you accept each other for who they are.

You almost die but laugh anyway.

True friends love each other(as friends)

True friends are normally girls who ride in cars\ school buses together.

True friends are like ... and ....

by Always and Forever... October 12, 2011

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True Friend

When you can take a shit at your true friends house, without worrying about skid marks, the stench or even having to flush.

ME: "Mum, Greg has officially been moved into my 'true friend' zone.
MUM: " What?"
ME : I took a dump at his house and didn't flush. Didn't even feel guilty.
MUM: "That's how me and your Dad got through the friend zone"
ME : "..."

by joepillai16 June 15, 2014

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