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jumping the alps

The process of snorting a line of cocaine off of two persons erect boners, up one and back down the other. This term originates in the jungles of South America, and has been seen in use in the western US

Over spring break that guy was totally jumping the alps in Peru

by blarson32 January 15, 2012

Massachusian Alps

An area west of the Connecticut River in Massachusetts. This area includes the Berkshires as well as the Appalachian and Taconic Mountains. It is referred to as a whole to mean the entire area. It generally has a positive meaning. This area is known for its natural beauty.

Who wants to head over to the Massachusian Alps over the weekend?

The Massachusian Alps are well known for their natural beauty and splendor .

by Steven Malencroft December 19, 2018

Skiing the Alps

Snorting cocaine.

Nicole Kidman looks like she's skiing the alps on the pictures showing powder on her face.

by Few Words August 4, 2010

Swiss Alps

A term used to describe when a man ejaculates all over a woman's breasts.

So, I pulled out and gave her the ol' Swiss Alps.

by Jon S. Fan December 17, 2007

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Snowy alps

When a man cums on a large brested womans chest, preferably the nipples, and then shouting "yay snowy alps!"

I had fun with your sister, i gave that bitch the snowy alps

by Hydra November 27, 2004

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fighting in the alps

A polite, G-Rated way of saying fucking someone in the ass.

In the edited for television version of The Big Lebowski the line

"This is what you get when you fuck a stranger in the ass!"

is changed to

"This is what happens when you fight a stranger in the Alps!"

presumably to keep close to the lip movements and timing of the original dialogue.

Bill: Did Jim and Jerry get back together?
Fran: Yeah, it was a big misunderstanding, they're all fighting in the Alps again.

by xmalefic June 4, 2007

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Eren Alp

The hottest person you will ever see.
An anti-social gamer who is always chased by girls.
Also a suicidal maniac with a huge cock, everyone wants to ride Eren Alp.

Oh my god Eren Alp's dick is so big.
I really want to ride Eren Alp.

by slim shadiy June 5, 2022