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she's a quag

Whoa did you just see that Alyson go by??? WHAT A QUAG! YOU'RE CUTE BITCH

by im a quag January 14, 2012

50πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž


one who uses their lack of intelligence for their benifit.

boss: hey, can you file this for me?
jack: i don't know how.
boss: alright you take a break, and get steve to do it.
jack: file this.
steve: you bitch. you pull an alyson and i get stuck with the fucking work.

by richard2000 July 6, 2006

85πŸ‘ 282πŸ‘Ž


hypochondriac, one who fakes physical injury in order to avoid the tasks that everyone else around her is doing.

don't be such an alyson, just do it.

by deltronforce August 8, 2008

83πŸ‘ 316πŸ‘Ž


A bitchy whore.
A slutty cock sucker who doesn't know how to shut the fuck up and cries when someone takes a bite out of her sandwich. Has to switch schools and thinks everyone still loves her afterwards but no one actually likes her in the first place.

"Hey, don't be an Alyson!"

by Extermity July 28, 2018

11πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Alyson’s are usually very nice to begin with, but after a small amount of time they are prone to becoming a backstabber. Although not all of them do it, some even make stuff up about themselves for attention. Again not all of them do this, but some even talk about themselves negatively, not because they believe it, but because they want to show how humble they are, and want to fish for compliments.

Alyson: I’m not that cute, I dong know why you date me.
Her significant other: you Literally say this every time until you get a compliment

by Ysndissn August 6, 2019

3πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A superficial, shallow, person who only cares about themselves. Looks at her/himself in the mirror every chance they get. Judge people inside and out. Who love putting people down to make themselves feel better. Talks great about themselves and terrible about others. Oh and also finds friends exboyfriends attractive

Stop beinh a fucking Alyson, Patricia.

by narcson January 29, 2016

8πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

Alyson Hannigan

An American actress made famous for her roles on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, all 3 American Pie films, and the tv series How I met Your Mother. Considered by some, including myself to be a hottie. Not hot in the fake Hollywood type...bleached hair,big fake tits,etc.....more girl next door type.

Alyson Hannigan is a hottie.Schpladoinkle.

by E Walker May 14, 2006

177πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž