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Unwanted Visitor

:an unwanted erection, often occurring at random during the worse time possible for example as your giving a presentation in front of class or as you wait inline for a rollercoaster.

Thomas: Hey man can you go refil the soda?
Jim: I'd love to but I have an unwanted visitor.
Thomas: oh (gets refil)

by Toadzi11a July 30, 2013

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unwanted attention

When there's an ugly bitch talking to you and you'd just like her to piss off so that you can talk to the more attractive ladies, being the superficial fuck you are. You might try to make up an excuse, but the bitch is more than a little bit aware of how ugly she is and sees through your petty excuses. You end up just running away.

An example of unwanted attention (you're in the bar or some disco looking out for some hot chicks/dudes when someone ugly approaches):
Ugly bitch/dude: "Oh hey want to get a drink?"
You: (Omg look at that ugly bitch holy fuck she's ugly, how the fuck am I going to escape)? "Oh no I'm on quite a heavy period, got to clean up / I've left the cooker running / I've got to take a leak etc.
Ugly bitch/dude: "That's a good excuse! Hey want to get a drink?"
You: *Runs off into the sunset.*

by Alphaalex115 May 27, 2014

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unwanted cumshot

A child that was a mistake

Child: (crying over cod mwr)
Mom:i should've swallowed you ,damned unwanted cumshot!

by Da mank demes August 27, 2017

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unwanted child

Christian Smerchek

dat boi she dun gave'ed birtha 2 wus a Christian Smerchek, shea didint want 2 bee ah modther. he wus an unwanted child

by ChriTIAN BOI October 20, 2017

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unwanted affection

the type of affection passsed onto you from someone of the opposite sex who is either mentally insane, just plain weird, ugle or any combonation of the three.

person 1 " dude lidnsey was alll over me today"
person 2 " sounds like some unwanted affection...."
person 1 "uh yeah, shes missing three teeth and talks to herself"

by WWWYKI Octopus November 2, 2011

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Unwanted Pregnancy

everybody named "Tobias" or "Nick"

Man. did you talk to Tobias, that Unwanted Pregnancy

by TuolumiteGod May 9, 2019

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Unwanted fox

used in social situations, a person creates a fox "shadow puppet" using the hand as a subtle code to tell other people in the group that a newcomer to the group (for example a random guy joining a group of girls) is unwanted. It is always used subtly i.e. under the table or when the unwanted person is looking away

Those group of girls weren't interested, I caught them using the unwanted fox.

by mowehdg August 15, 2011

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