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abbreviated hacker language

abbreviated hacker language or AHL is not a number bassed language or one in which letters are replaced with things like 'ph' for 'f'.
AHL is actually a language that programmers use(Dictionary definition of hacker is "one who is talented with computers(eg programmer)" or "Someone who uses computers for illegal activities") and is used when talking about a script, bugs in a script, used most commonly in basic and java.
'On *:TEXT:*<text>:#:{' is replaced with 'on *:txt:#:'
' Set %var <variable>" is replaced by '%var <variable>'
Used only in chat text when you are to lazy to write it out or find and coppy and paste the file.
When there is an unknown varriable (Eg a password ect) it is placed in tags and underlined. EG
Person1: "how do I identify my nickname in IRC"
Person2: "./ns identify <password>"
Person1 then types in '/ns identify thisisapassword"
Abriviations are used alot, eg:
LOL: Laugh out loud (used in chat rooms ect)
GTFO: Get the F*ck out (used when someone in a chat room is being anoying)
KB: Kick Ban (Used with GTFO eg: Noob: "lulz u r all t3h gheyzorz" Hacker/programer: "GTFO moron, Oi mod, Kb that tard"
SOC?: Shell of Choice?
SKOC?: Skin of Choice?
It is belived hackers/programers use leet because of jokes that are often made. eg:
Person1: "Hey man, how's it going"
Person2: "I feel like a million bucks put in the dryer and set on spin"
Person1: "Gheyzorz"
Person2: "lol"

Person1: "Hey man, how's it going"
Person2: "Meh"
Person1: "I started a dA"
Person2: "SKOC?"
Person1: "Defult atm"
Person2: "Gheyz0rs"
Person1: "Yeah, lol. How do I use DOSBox?"
Person2: "Uhh, Line1: Mount <drive> <directory(inc drive)> Line2: <drive> Line3: CD <Game folder> Line4: <Game>.<file type>"
Person1: "Thanks, g2g bai"
Person2: "Bai lol"

^^Thats abbreviated hacker language^^

by Pixel-Pirate November 13, 2007

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Abbreviated piece of nothing

An insignificant person or thing.

Tell that abbreviated piece of nothing to get his tale over here, but fast!

Why don't you drive your abbreviated piece of nothing over to the service station and have a muffer put on?

by Jekaterina March 24, 2006

14πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Abbreviation Re-creation

When you take the first letters of an abbreviation, and change what comes after the letters.

Example 1:

Boston Symphony Orchestra
Abbreviation Re-creation
Big Stupid Orchestra

Example 2:

High School Musical
Horrible Singing Musical

by Anonymous120663 November 19, 2008

3πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

abbreviated piece of nothing

motherfucker, twat, absolute zero. A person which does or did something bad to you.

Cecil, tell dat abbreviated piece of nothing to get his tail ova herr but fast

by dat-gurl-83 April 8, 2006

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

what is the abbreviation for be right back BRB

Many people get confused with the abbreviation and acronym of Be Right Back. The correct term is it is an abbreviation of BRB.

what is the abbreviation for be right back BRB

by stevesmith December 14, 2013

2πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Tht 1 p3rs0n u txt tht abbr3v1ates ev3ryth1ng whn they typ3.

Evan: h1 bby. ily ur l1k3 so qte, w1ll u go 0ut w1t m3?
Catherine: Ew, no one likes abbreviators.

by iEatDonuts March 31, 2018


Short for a word or a phrase.
JK: Just Kidding or Joking
LOL: Laugh/Laughing Out Loud
BC: Because
IK: I Know
CYA: See You
TTYL: Talk To You Later
OMG: Oh My God/Gosh
ONG: On God
OTL: Over The Line
IKR: I Know Right
FR: For Real
Y: Why
YOLO: You Only Live Once
BF: Boyfriend
GF: Girlfriend
HJ: Half Joking
BB: Baby
WYD: What You Doing
BFF: Best Friend/Friends Forever
K: Ok
GG: Good Game
EZ: Easy
1V1: One Versus One
GLHF: Good Luck Have Fun
TMRW: Tomorrow
ROFL: Rolling On Floor Laughing
LMAO: Laughing My Aβ€” Off
W: Winner
L: Loser
LH: Lightheaded
NM: Not Mad
LU: Little Upset
FY: For You
FYP: For You Page
HAGD: Have A Good Day
GN: Good Night
LY: Love You
ILY: I Love You

And much more!

Abbreviations can make it easier to say certain words and phrases if you’re too lazy to type out the entire thing.

by Pannwinner1 August 7, 2023