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That one guy in middle school that everybody agrees is a dick but somehow gets any girl he wants. Generally revealed a pervert after the first day of midly flirty texting.

girl one: ugh I can't believe amy is falling for that anderson.
Girl two: i know. she's just going to get herself hurt.
fucking anderson: that makes me hard.

by internet stranger October 11, 2018

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


An Arab person who is a pathological liar. Truly enjoys to make everyones day miserable. Shows a lack of respect for everything around them. Becomes very ecstatic when given the opportunity to impose their ego in any scenario whether it is warranted or not.

*Anderson flags pedestrian*

Anderson Sales Agent: would you like to buy life insurance?

Poor pedestrian : it does seem interesting however I only have about 50$ left to my name after expenses sir.

Anderson Sales Agent : my brother, that is enough money to invest into your future, be it for yourself or your children. How does A lump sum of money sound after twenty years?

Poor Pedestrian: wow are you serious. Now my kids can have anything and I can live happily ever after!

Anderson Sales Agent: alright! Sign right here and here. Perfect young man you have just made the greatest decision of your life.

*Poor Pedestrian forty years later only has a fraction of the amount he has paid in life insurance. He had been fooled and has been working longer than expected. *

by Will Shakespearian December 10, 2019

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Anderson, IN

A.k.a Meth Valley, Indiana. Land of the fiend, Home of the stain.

If you ever visit Anderson, IN, you may leave on a drug run!

by YTSupplyCo August 2, 2018

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Anderson, IN

A shit-hole with a HORRIBLE west side (of course what town DOESN'T have a bad west side???) At one time was home to Delco-Remy (GM factories), which pretty much kept the town alive...now that they're LONG gone, the town is deader than a doornail, everyone is either on unemployment or welfare, or has to drive to Indianapolis for a REAL job! No good bars or clubs, so most hang out at house parties or cruise the countryside with a drink in hand. Has two disgusting strip-clubs...Hoosier Girls and the VIP (also known as the HIV in most circles). Also is home to a third-rate Speedway which is home to the 'Little 500', where you can get a glimpse of the true redneck, douchebag spirit of the city! Viva craphole!!!! ;)

I went to a race at the Speedway in Anderson, IN, and saw more toothless, redneck, idiotic morons than I've EVER seen in my life!!!

by Kashmir4444444 July 16, 2009

65πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


anderson is the type of guy your parents would be so excited for you to bring home. a very well rounded man. very kind, great sense of humor, and does a great job of making everyone feel comfortable. he’s also very sexy and the cutest person ever at the same time. very charming dude.

dude have you met anderson? i’m literally in love with him.

by burritoslayer November 25, 2021

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Mockney rhyming slang for Diazepam (Valium)
Diazepam -> Pam Anderson -> Anderson

Scored some cheap andersons in India, now long train journeys are a breeze.

by DrunkGilesCoren February 4, 2012

21πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


a term derived from the realtionship between writer wes anderson and his friend, writer/actor, owen wilson. (hence anderson.) it is now used to describe a person who relies on another in order to succeed. mooch, white man, wes anderson

scottie pippen was a total anderson... and he lookes like a rhesus monkey.

by euphoria August 1, 2005

57πŸ‘ 131πŸ‘Ž