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Kaposi Andras

A fuckboy in a looser’s body with lame ass pick up lines

You’re Kaposi Andras.

by Noname unicorn June 18, 2020

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Andra Day

An extremely talented R&B/soul/pop singer who wrote and performed the hit song "Rise Up". Only released one album but has been back under the radar after much deserved publicity. A more talented, better singing, and classier version of Rihanna, despite tone-deaf stans comparing her look and voice to the talentless, overrated, glorified stripper Rihanna. People also call her the Black Amy Winehouse and the Black Adele which is absolutely ignorant as Andra is a BLACK woman singing music that has been originate by BLACK artists and is much better than Adele and Amy Winehouse! Known for her nostalgic style and appearance reminiscent of 50s Motown divas and Vargas girls.

Stevie Wonder is blind but even HE could appreciate Andra Day's talent even though the industry takes her for granted. Her song "Rise Up" has more classic potential than most of the trash on the radio.

by MotownBunny November 27, 2018

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Andras T

A Hungarian name that roughly translates to, "man with rotten arse". Fumigation apparatus and protective clothing is advised to be worn as gases released from Andras T's can cause suffocation and will irritate the skin.

Andras T's will make you wretch and clear a room in approximately 8 seconds

by brotol November 15, 2013

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Andra Rizky Ramadhan

The most talented, lovable, amazing, and hard-working human being to have ever existed and deserves nothing but all the amazing and most beautiful things this world has to offer

Andra Rizky Ramadhan is so precious and the most incredible person i know

by trvarthis November 22, 2021

Ryan "assmunch" Andras

Famous guy in japan who is known to have the smallest dick known to man kind and a few species of monkies.

Dude omg did you see that guy? He just pulled a Ryan "assmunch" Andras.

by JDM 92 April 17, 2006

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andra ist cooler als dzejlan

Bin cooler als duπŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

andra ist cooler als dzejlan und das kann keiner Γ€ndern

by andraistcool June 2, 2020

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Mona inseamna iubire iar Andra inseamna vesnica deci mona+andra inseamna iubire vesnica ☺

"Tu simti Mona+Andra?"

by milffestmilf November 22, 2021